Convene inclusive policy dialogues and forums


Our engagement with the water and catchment management sector has revealed strong interest in Watertrust convening policy dialogues on a range of issues. This interest arises from a frustration with the status quo, recognition of the need for bridges across institutional silos, acknowledgement of a dearth of spaces for cross-jurisdictional knowledge sharing and collaboration, and an appreciation of the value of an independent convenor. 

We build on Watertrust's independent convening power to work outside traditional institutional structures to improve dialogue and coordination between different actors in the water and catchment policy space. Business-as-usual incentives drive a style of advocacy that magnifies polarised voices. Our work is designed to contribute to finding better ways to balance the interests of governments, First Nations, agriculture, the environment, communities and other interests.

We work with policymakers and stakeholders to identify policy issues for potential dialogues where complex, values-based dilemmas cause conflict and policy deadlock, and where alternative means of achieving a satisfactory result are blocked. 

Our activity aims to bring diverse interests to the table to focus on a policy issue of common interest. We provide the opportunity for participants to engage with available evidence and alter perspectives, and allow multiple voices to be heard and contribute to mutual understanding of different perspectives. Through the forums and dialogues we identify areas of disagreement and agreement and explore the potential for finding common ground for practical next steps that could influence policy outcomes.

We convene forums, roundtables and dialogues to bring together policymakers and diverse stakeholders to deliberate on policy issues.