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A turning point for the Upper Murrumbidgee

27 February 2025

The Upper Murrumbidgee River sits at the heart of a complex challenge – balancing water needs for communities, industry, agriculture, and the environment. The proposed Snowy Water Inquiry Outcomes Implementation Deed (SWIOID) review presents a rare opportunity to rethink how water is managed, to ensure long-term sustainability and resilience.

The landscape of First Nations water rights and interests

28 March 2024
In late 2022, an interim Working Group of First Nations leaders was convened by Watertrust to help shape a Ministerial roundtable with the Hon Tanya Plibersek. Watertrust continued to support the Working Group as it explored the potential need and options to strengthen First Nations' participation in water policy reform nationwide. As part of that work, the Working Group sought a landscape map of organisations in Australia that have a role in furthering First Nations water rights and interests.

2023: a year of recognition and reward

21 December 2023
Watertrust Australia enjoyed a strong 2023 as we continued to build trusted relationships with a wide diversity of stakeholders across Australia, and achieved breakthroughs with our unique positioning and skillset.
Our first Annual Review showed how the value of our independent status and focus on inclusive processes is resonating with many. This has now evolved to Watertrust playing a vital role in initiatives across a range of policy issues and geographies, providing a solid foundation to overcoming barriers to water and catchment policy reform.

Exploring a First Nations voice in water policy reform

14 December 2023
For the past year, Watertrust Australia has been supporting First Nations leaders and governments in exploring ways to increase First Nations' participation in water policy reform processes. Watertrust initially convened an interim working group to shape a roundtable with Hon Tanya Plibersek. The working group has since evolved to explore options for a more comprehensive engagement between First Nations, governments, and non-Indigenous water users in upcoming water policy reforms.

Inclusive decision-making in the Murray-Darling Basin

13 December 2023
Watertrust Australia recently submitted a response to the Productivity Commission’s Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 – Interim Report, recommending more guidance on approaches to inclusive decision-making.

Working together for the future of Greater Adelaide’s water

31 October 2023
Water is among the most precious resources of any city and Watertrust Australia is proud to be driving an independent, collaborative process to explore the future of Greater Adelaide’s water sector. Take a look at what we’ve been doing to identify future governance arrangements for integrated water management, to support the water sector in meeting future challenges for this important region.

Second annual gathering

27 September 2023
On 31 August 2023, we held our second annual gathering of Watertrust Australia, aka our 'jamboree'. With our board, advisors, team and a few special guests we delved into what it takes to achieve better decision-making processes for water policy.