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New NT report contributes to a groundswell for change
20 January 2025
A report released today claims modern approaches to making policy decisions will deliver better outcomes in the Northern Territory’s contentious water allocation debate.
Specialists from Watertrust Australia say that the NT is particularly well placed to embrace new, best practice consultation and decision making. Getting this right will create water policy that Territorians have confidence in and ensure freshwater is allocated fairly in the Western Davenport region north of Alice Springs and elsewhere.
Measuring impact in our evaluation framework
06 January 2023
The Watertrust model presents a unique challenge for evaluation because we seek to effect change in complex systems. Rather than trying to measure impact, our evaluation approach needs to test our relevance, effectiveness, and contributions while remaining humble and avoiding claims that cannot be substantiated.
Watertrust Australia moves into the refurbished Ian Potter House
07 October 2022
Watertrust Australia is thrilled to open up the office doors at our new premises at Ian Potter House, Canberra.
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