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A turning point for the Upper Murrumbidgee

27 February 2025

The Upper Murrumbidgee River sits at the heart of a complex challenge – balancing water needs for communities, industry, agriculture, and the environment. The proposed Snowy Water Inquiry Outcomes Implementation Deed (SWIOID) review presents a rare opportunity to rethink how water is managed, to ensure long-term sustainability and resilience.

Equity, Fairness and Justice - a foundation

17 December 2024
Equity, fairness and justice.

Three essential words that underline how we live our lives; expecting or even demanding they provide a baseline to our interactions within society and the wider world.

But what if the definitions of those terms are unclear or disputed? Far from being locked down in dictionary definitions, most of our understanding of what those three words mean are strongly shaped by our broader world views.

Optimism builds for collaborative next steps in snowy waters review

02 December 2024
A collaborative effort to find the best possible future policy for the health of the Upper Murrumbidgee has taken another step forward, with Watertrust Australia releasing a report of the outcomes from our recent Decision Sketch workshop, held in Canberra in mid-November.

Potential Snowy scenarios take the next step

13 November 2024
An initiative created by Watertrust Australia, to showcase deliberative policy-making processes in support of a review of how the Snowy waters are managed, is gathering momentum, with a major workshop starting today in Canberra.

Insights Forum 24: Celebrating progress, working together

08 November 2024
Watertrust’s recent Insights Forum not only provided a chance for the organisation’s board members, advisors and extended team to come together, it also provided a natural setting to reflect on how far Watertrust has come, what we’ve achieved and how to reach our ambitious targets over the next 12 months.

Lessons from Canada on water use planning

05 July 2024
Watertrust recently brought together a diverse group of stakeholders interested in the management of water in the Snowy Mountains to hear inspiring stories of how novel policy-making processes in British Columbia, Canada have transformed water management and massively improved outcomes for stakeholders.

Working together for Adelaide's water future

25 June 2024
It is difficult at the best of times to manage Adelaide's precious water resources to meet the domestic, environmental, cultural, and industrial demands. Once the added pressures of climate change and projected population growth are factored in, the need to rethink its future management becomes essential. That's why Watertrust has been working closely with stakeholders from across Greater Adelaide's water sector to co-design future water management arrangements.